The best auditions America's got talent 2014

Your advertisement here and in videos, write me for more info The most shocking, emotional and funny 10 auditions of 2014 Contestants 1) Blue Journey 2) Loop Rawlins 3) Dragon House 4) Paul Ieti 5) Nina Burri 6) Ray Jessel 7) Adrian Romoff 8) Aaron J. Field 9) The Famtastix 10) Smoothini Thank you for watching and if you like it, please like and subscribe. You can watch also Top 10 best battles The Voice USA,UK (part 1) Top 10 best auditions The X Factor UK moreOvernight Beauty Tips

Your advertisement here and in videos, write me for more info The most shocking, emotional and funny 10 auditions of 2014 Contestants 1) Blue Journey 2) Loop Rawlins 3) Dragon House 4) Paul Ieti 5) Nina Burri 6) Ray Jessel 7) Adrian Romoff 8) Aaron J. Field 9) The Famtastix 10) Smoothini Thank you for watching and if you like it, please like and subscribe. You can watch also Top 10 best battles The Voice USA,UK (part 1) Top 10 best auditions The X Factor UK more:Interesting Documentary

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Your advertisement here and in videos, write me for more info The most shocking, emotional and funny 10 auditions of 2014 Contestants 1) Blue Journey 2) Loop Rawlins 3) Dragon House 4) Paul Ieti 5) Nina Burri 6) Ray Jessel 7) Adrian Romoff 8) Aaron J. Field 9) The Famtastix 10) Smoothini Thank you for watching and if you like it, please like and subscribe. You can watch also Top 10 best battles The Voice USA,UK (part 1) Top 10 best auditions The X Factor UK more:Overnight Beauty Tips

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